My prose; Your profit

A place for me to shamelessly promote myself and my random thoughts, and for you to perhaps discover a little piece of yourself in the process.


colbert challenges democrats to impeach bush now...

Stephen Colbert challenges the Democrats to impeach Bush now. He's just been taunting you all these years with the outing of Valerie Plame, WMD lies, Katrina tragedy, wiretapping, attorney firings, etc. etc. etc... Click link for video

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congress has no "oversight responsibility over the white house" say what !????

Today Tony Snow claimed that Congress Has No "Oversight Responsibility over the White House". This is just beyond absurd.

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another awkward moment

The Most Awkward Boy is back in another installement.

I figured I'd see Neil Casey turn up at some point. His work is pure intellect.

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the man who never was

When the body of Major Wm. Martin of the British Royal Marines washed up on a beach in Spain, the Nazis thought they had just stumbled across an incredibly lucky piece of evidence. Instead they had just been invited into Operation Mincemeat, an elaborate hoax that would inevitably cause them to lose their grasp on the militarily strategic island of Sicily.

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best week ever scoops

I'm not in the habit of reporting celebrity stuff, but a little bit earlier I happened to post about some pictures of Suri Cruise that someone sent me the link for. Then a couple minutes ago I went over to the Best Week Ever blog to catch up on the random whatnots... lo and behold! They had a ridiculously similar post from earlier this morning. Knowing the friend that sent me the link, she may have even found it right from there.

Ah well, further confirmation that years of doing improv and sketch points your brain in similar directions.

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a picture is worth a thousand words

Here is a lovely series of pictures of little Suri Cruise. The site where they are posted, POPSUGAR, comments:
"Suri looks like such a little person - it's so cute!"

Huh? Of course she's a little person. Does this come as some sort of surprise to you? What I think is more interesting is how the picture stinks with symbolic forshadowing of the life this little girl will lead. That because of the beliefs of her parents, the world will always be on the other side of a fence that, while basically trasparent, is still containing. Now I could care less if the public knew anything about her... I think this obsession we have with celebrity is ridiculous, even more so with the once-removed segment; family of celebrities. I just think it's an interesting visual commentary for the little person on the other side of that fence.

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cheney's fall from grace -- time magazine

Cheney has become the Administration's enemy within, the man whose single-minded pursuit of ideological goals, creaking political instincts and love of secrecy produced an independent operation inside the White House that has done more harm than good.

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sterling appearance

I came across a great cameo by Mindy Sterling on the Craig Ferguson show. Mindy is always so great with her timing. And such a wonderful instructor.

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I recently installed Google Analytics on my page to actually get an understanding of who looks at my blog, how they find it, etc. I was surprised. I have a hell of a lot more people reading than I thought. In addition to all the US cities, a quick hello to some random folks from
- Santiago, Chile
- Madrid, Spain
- Beijing, China
- Jiamusi, China
- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

I think the best thing I discovered though was that someone found my blog by googling "i lost my virginity in madagascar"

That's just sweet.

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it's getting hot in here

This is a really sweet mashup of The Office with Nelly's It's Getting Hot In Here. I like the sync up they did with the vocals to clips of Pam.

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This is not a searing exposition about the current state of stereotypes in modern society. No, it's a reminder to use some damn tags on my posts. Why has this not occurred to me before?

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the most awkward boy in the world

Some of the boys up at UCBT have put together a fun little series of shorts. It's written by Chris Gethard, directed by Nick Paley and stars Zach Woods as our favorite awkward boy. This particular one guest stars Ellie Kemper.

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you'll never read again

The onion is launching a new online network... this is going to be bad for productivity


Neill Cumpston reviews Return of the King

I previously posted a review of the movie 300 written by Neill Cumpston. Well, in searching on this more, I've come across one he did for Return of the King. This guy is something else:


Whenever cool movie series get to the third movie they suck dicks like theyre trying to become Emperor of Dicksuck-ylvania. George Lucas had Star Wars, and then Empire Kicks Ass, and then all of a sudden its Planet of Furry Faggoty Fuckheads. Then he had to make two more to feed the Suck Demon that was holding his children hostage, and those movies went beyond gay to where theyre paying old people to take a dump on them.

Even this summer, with MATRIX: SUDDENLY GAY and TERMINATOR: I LOVE COCK, the Rule of the Suck-y Third Movie got re-proven. If the third X-Men movie had come out this summer it probably would have been some crippled crock of crap where Wheelchair Charlie traps Fuck Yeah Wolverine in an illusion mind-trap where Wolverine thinks hes a time traveler from a hundred years ago romancing Meg Ryan in right-now New York. Of course, the X-Men movie would try to redeem itself in the third act by having Wolverine realize its a mind-illusion and cut Megs head off and play dodgeball with it, but it would be too late and here comes my extra large Sprite at the screen.

But guess what? One movie series turned that rule on its head. One 3-movie series said, Wait a minute, were going to make the 3rd movie SO tits it will make the FIRST two movies look gay.

I just saw HOBBIT-MAN: THE KING RETURNS and thats the movie I was talking about in the last paragraph. This movie will make you forget that if you stick a knife in your belly youll bleed to death so do not bring a knife to this movie.

Its also, thank fucking God, LOUD. Even if you bring an iPod so you can listen to VH during the Elf parts youll take it off because I swear to fucking Roth you do NOT know where the next big bang is going to come from, or when something big is going to crunch someones skull while you picture that person getting their skull crushed is really your neighbor upstairs that plays Dido all day or that dude at the Starbucks whos always reading and looking all smart.

Oh yeah, the movie is also 3 hours and 20 minutes, and I think its almost four hours if you sit through all the credits (it was all pencil sketches of the characters, which I think means they ran out of money). So if you bring some chick whos all like, I have a spinning class tomorrow or Im thirsty tell her to go home and watch Gay Dudes and the Straight Guy because this movie takes fucking commitment. I saw the one dude in front of me who was with this girl, and the President of Warner Brothers came out and said, This movie is three hours and twenty minutes, and before I could say, So what, gaylord the chick says to the dude shes with that she has to GO. And he LET her go because this movie kicks so much ass you can SENSE it even before it starts. And this chick was a stone fox, and he probably could have made out with her, but he was like, Im going make out with this movie, thats how good it is. See ya, hottie.

This movie starts with the origin of Golem - that creepy guy who looks like Iggy Pop and wears Tarzan pants and wants the invisible-ring. Hes still on a quest with the two hobbits - Rudy from the film RUDY and Fredo - to throw the ring into a volcano (this is like a serious version of JOE VERSUS THE VOLCANO). The ring is also evil but you keep thinking, while you watch it, that someone should put it on and check out some boobs. I have a feeling those scenes will be in the DVDs.

At the same time, the two other midget-men and the giant hippies have seriously fucked up that one evil guys tower (he was Count Duke in Star Wars: Every Cock in the Universe Up My Ass Part II), and they hook back up with Magneto, and also that chick with the bow and arrows and finally the Giant Midget with the Axe. Oh, and also that I Dont Want to be the King/I Am Destined to Be the King Dude is with them, and he has this whole other story where he pretty much decides to be the King because, I mean, pussy for miles. This is where I started getting really confused, though, because they start talking about kingdoms and alliances and theres a lot of lines like, Rohan shall ride! and Gondor still stands! and Flabadan Son of Rectum must wear the mantle of Bloggith! and also theres some shit with the elves thats like being in a fucking candle store for twenty minutes.

But the movie is only doing this to set up the BATTLE OF SHIT-YOUR-PANTS, which isnt the actual name of the battle but SHOULD be because you will shit stuff you did not eat when you see it.

It all has to do with the fact that one of the midget-men takes this orb from the bad guy and he looks into it and sees the glowing eyes plan (or part of it - something about a tree dying and Enya music playing). So he and Magneto go to this huge white city where the king is being a dick and just eating dinner while every puke-ugly bad-ass on the planet starts surrounding it, ready to open a Wal-Mart that only sells ball-stomp. Theres this one medium-sized battle in a city that is like the last line of defense for the Big-Ass White City and its pretty cool, with a lot of head-crunching and these huge flying bat demon things that I swear to God grab horses and the dudes riding them and fuck them up from the floor up. Theyre really loud, too, and a lot of chicks and older people were covering their ears.

Meanwhile, Rudy and Fredo and Golem are getting closer to the volcano, and Golem makes Fredo hate Rudy, and then tricks Fredo into a cave where theres a giant spider and FUCK that was really scary because even in real life giant spiders are bad news.

Someone told me that all of the spider stuff actually happens in the second book in the series, and that they had to tweak some of the stuff that happens in the books to make the movies work. You know what? Good. Books suck. They used to be good back when people didnt have movies and TV and dressed like Davey Crockett. People also used to ride horses and drink tea, but now we have cars and Sprite. Move the fuck on. Peter Jackson did an amazing job adapting these books, and now the movies are so kick-ass that some people are going to go back and READ the books, which wouldnt have happened if hed just filmed the books exactly as they are. Happy now, smarty?

Let me give you an example of how NOT to make books into movies:

This summer a huge bucket of farts came out called LEAGUE OF ADVENTURE GENTLEMEN. It was about how a bunch of characters from old-timey books got together and fucked up bad guys. And NO ONE SAW IT. Why?

First, they picked a bunch of characters like Invisible Man and Mr. Hyde and Dracula-Woman and Huck Finn. These are all characters from books that were written five hundred years ago. Huck Finn was actually written before writing. These are the kind of books they make you read in summer school but youre all like, Fuck you, Im going to play Sonic on my Sega and you totally complete all the levels by August. So who the fuck is going to go see a movie about characters and people theyve never heard of (the movie acts like youre supposed to know who these people are).


Okay, back to HOBBIT-MAN, although at this point its just wall-to-wall awesome. The Battle for the White Mountain City has trolls and elephants and catapults and a battering ram that looks like a dragon head on fire. Also, earlier Gandalf scares off the flying bats-things with his glowing staff. In the battle for the White Mountain City Gandalf just runs around giving orders. How about turning the bad guys into babies or something with his staff' But that would actually cut down on the ass-kicking so, actually, fine.

The I Dont Want to Be The King Guy gets a bunch of ghost warriors to fight, and thats just awesome when it happens, and also the elf chick with the bow takes down an elephant all by herself, and the Giant Midget keeps killing people with his axe.

Then when THAT battles over and youre thinking, Just air comes out when I spooge now they stage a whole OTHER battle at Evil Town to distract the orks so Golem and Rudy and Fredo can get to the volcano. And I wont reveal what happens in the volcano except to say it involves Fredo and Rudy getting right to the very edge, but at the last second Fredo turns evil and decides not to throw the ring in, and puts it on instead so he turns invisible, buy Iggy shows up and bites off Fredos finger and Iggy falls with the ring into the lava and Evil Town is completely destroyed. You will have to find out the rest for yourselves. I hate spoilers.

You can totally leave at this point but theres an extra half hour of everyone relaxing and going home and being happy and I guess they put that in so you can realize your pants are choked with poop from all the battle scenes, so thanks.

Theres also an Annie Lennox song over the closing credits. How about Led Zeppelins Ramble On, which is where they got the name Golem, or Aint Talking Bout Love by Van Halen?

Peter Jackson has proved with these films that he is the man to bring A-TEAM to the screen. Five stars. Best movie of the next four years.

a lively review of the film 300

I received this movie review in an email forward. I've finally been able to trace it back to the original author, Neill Cumpston. This review is just beyond belief it's so ridiculous. I absolutely love it...


I just saw a movie that'll give your eyes boners, make your balls scream and make you poop DVD copies of THE TRANSPORTER. It's called 300. I don't know what the title has to do with the movie, but they could've called it KITTENS MAKING CANDLES and it'd still rule.

It's about these 300 Greek dudes who stomp the sugar-coated shit out of like a million other dudes. I have a feeling that a lot of high school sports coaches are going to show this film to their teams before they play. Also, gay dudes and divorced women are going to use screen captures for computer wallpaper.

The movie takes place about a million years ago, and it's sort of like a prequel to SIN CITY. Except way less guns and cars but twice as much skull splitting. If you watch this movie and go into a Taco Bell, and say to the cashier, "I need some extra sauce packets," guess what? You're getting twenty sauce packets because your face will punch him in the brain.

I can't spoil the plot because THANK GOD THERE ISN'T ONE. Just ass kicking that kicks ass that, while said ass is getting kicked, is kicking yet more ass that's hitting someone's balls with a hammer made of ice but the ice is frozen whiskey.



Who gives a shit if the music isn't historically correct? LORD OF THE RINGS could've used some Journey. This movie has that chu-CHUNG kind of metal that you hear in your head when your shift supervisor at Wetzel's Pretzel is telling you that you'll have to stay for clean up and you wish you had a sock filled with quarters in your hand.


Basically, the Greek dudes are fighting these Persian dudes, but the director, who must have a dick made of three machine guns, does it all like a video game. The Greeks fight every death metal video from the last ten years. There's wave after wave of giants, freaks, ninjas, mutants, wizards, and a hunchback who looks like he's got Rosie O'Donnell on his back.

Would I have been happy if Dom DeLuise from HISTORY OF THE WORLD, PART I had shown up? Maybe, but this movie more than makes up for that glaring oversight.


These are Greek times, when there were a lot of naked women around. And there are some naked women in this film, but almost every naked woman scene has a muscular dude giving the screen an ass picnic. Dude-ity is something directors put in their movies so people will think they're serious, I guess, and not just throwing in naked hotties.

Any directors reading this – IT'S OKAY TO JUST THROW IN NAKED HOTTIES.

Can't someone make a movie about naked Amazons and call it PAUSE BUTTON?

My final analysis is 300 the most ass-ruling movie I've seen this year, and will probably be the King of 2007 unless someone makes a movie where a pair of sentient boobs fights a werewolf.