My prose; Your profit

A place for me to shamelessly promote myself and my random thoughts, and for you to perhaps discover a little piece of yourself in the process.


judge not, lest ye be satirical about it

Next Friday I'm heading down to Dover for the Delaware Improv Mini-Fest 2007. I've been asked to be a judge for their show, Improv Apprentice.

Essentially, we're taking all the improvisers that are performing in the festival and splitting them into two groups. They will then present unrehearsed, unscripted games to myself and my fellow panel of judges. Each round, players will be "fired" for not being funny enough or for breaking the rules of the game they're doing. Eventually it will come down to one player who will then become David Warick's Improv Apprentice.

Now, I don't know what becoming Dave's Apprentice entails... but I think creepy thoughts just on basic principle.

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