My prose; Your profit

A place for me to shamelessly promote myself and my random thoughts, and for you to perhaps discover a little piece of yourself in the process.


do you believe in magic?

Don Herbert died yesterday at 89 from multiple myeloma. Sadly, many of the younger folks I know are probably asking themselves, who’s that?

In the 50’s and 60’s he came to children through their television sets for half an hour on Saturdays. He was known to them as Mr. Wizard.

For fourteen years on the air, he taught kids about science using simple things from around the house. He was the face of science to countless growing baby-boomers.

In 1983, he rose to popularity once again in Mr. Wizard’s World on Nickelodeon. This was how I knew him.

My generation was fortunate enough to share in him as well. Looking back over the years, he was who gave me a thirst for science. I think what I really got out of his show was not just information and practical experiments… more importantly; it’s where I developed a love of science.

All the things I’ve wanted to do throughout the years… marine biologist, chemist, forensic entomologist, coroner, inventor and yes, science officer on a starship… they were all forged out of the passions this show instilled in me.

I remember being so enraptured by what he did on the show. It was like magic. He’d do the experiment first and it was like a trick… then he’d back it up with the chemistry, physical properties or other information that just made the trick happen.

Don Herbert captured the imagination, curiosity and thirst for knowledge of countless youngsters, including myself. You really were Mr. Wizard. God speed my man.

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Blogger t. l. said...

my favorite episode to this day of mr. wiz was the one where he makes her eat an apple upside down.

but then again, i've always been fascinated by gravity and it's effects on people. you could even call it a "lifelong, personal study."

1:40 PM  

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