My prose; Your profit

A place for me to shamelessly promote myself and my random thoughts, and for you to perhaps discover a little piece of yourself in the process.


the office last night

Another great episode of The Office last night. The general premise was that Phyllis got flashed in the parking lot by a male assailant and it puts Dunder-Mifflin on high alert. Michael decides they need a women's awareness day and takes all the ladies to the mall. This leaves the fellas to discover the luxurious wonders of the women's restroom.

I think my favorite thing in the episode was the always understated but ever perfectly-timed Angela.

At one point Dwight issued a wonderful little memo:
Karen: Hey, did you guys see this memo that Dwight sent out? (Reading) “Women will be sent home if they wear makeup or heels exceeding one-quarter inch. Females are not allowed to speak to strangers unless given written authorization by Dwight Schrute.” This is ridiculous.
Dwight: Attention, I am removing all bananas from the kitchen.
Karen: Dwight, this memo that you distributed, is insulting.
Dwight: Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Pam (reading): “Sleeves down to the wrists, button-up collars, and muted colors.” Nobody dresses like that. (Sweeping shot to Angela.)

Then a little later...
Angela: Malls are just awful and humiliating. They’re just store after store of these horrible salespeople making a big fuss out of an adult shopping in a junior’s section. There are petite adults who are sort of … smaller, who need to wear … maybe a kids’ size 10.

Hands down one of my favorite character quirks was revealed.
Angela: Sometimes the clothes at Gap Kids are just too flashy. So I’m forced to go to the American Girl store. And order clothes for large colonial dolls.

Which is oddly sexy in a tight-assed, conservative sort of way...

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