My prose; Your profit

A place for me to shamelessly promote myself and my random thoughts, and for you to perhaps discover a little piece of yourself in the process.


And we have a cast...

The end of last week was incredibly difficult. We had some pretty amazing people come out for the group, and had to make some hard decisions. But we did what we had to do, and now have a full cast for HellBaby. Matter of fact, we even took one more person than we were originally looking to. So now there are seven:

Alison Kubiak
Chris Welsh
Debra Stewart
Jon Sales
Kelly Vrooman
Matt Nelson
Patti Cleary

Yup. 3 Men, 4 Women. HellBaby is going to be an EstroFest, and will be all the stronger for it. We have some great people, and I am really excited. What's more, most of the people in the group are pretty damn fresh to the Philly scene. They all seem hungry for what we are doing, and excited to explore what can come out of this.

I am also interested to see what Nathan can do with us. I really like his style, and want to see what happens when he can finally spread his wings a little on the coaching side.

We're having a meet-and-greet on Wed night, and that's the first time we will all be together. It should be interesting to witness the overall dynamic as it forms. We have a myriad of people from different backgrounds, geographical locations and a nice age range. Should make for some eclectic inspiration...


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