My prose; Your profit

A place for me to shamelessly promote myself and my random thoughts, and for you to perhaps discover a little piece of yourself in the process.


You can't have it all

Well, we had auditions last Wednesday & Thursday. We didn't have nearly the turnout that we had hoped, but we still had some great people come out.

I posted on the improv boards, TAGP and on Craigslist. We had people respond from all of them. A lot of people responding the the TAGP post emailed me headshots and CVs. They were typically more towards the serious acting side of things. You know, it's funny... the "actors" were more serious and took well to the idea of deepening characterization, but mostly lacked standard improv skills like denial, agreement, yes anding, etc. The improv people nailed the skill fundamentals, but then had issue with the deeper characterization and being serious. If I could take them and combine their DNA into super-improvisers, that would be awesome. I'm still working on that one...

So we've decided to hold another night of auditions. Jon and I are going to see if we can get the Ethical Society space again for Wed night. We've decided that although we've made a few selections, we are going to wait until we have a full cast to notify everyone whether they are in or not.

I took Matt Holmes' workshop on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. It was four hours long, so he was able to do some great things with people that were really new to the concept of improv. We even ended up doing a Harold by the end. I think that speaks volumes about Matt and what he can do with people. Most everyone caught on easily, and made some nice strides that you were able to witness in one afternoon. That was sweet. What I think was the coolest thing was that aside from Heather, Mark & Raff, I didn't know anyone else in the class. I think it's great that Greg & Matt were able to get a great response from a lot of people that aren't already heavily in the scene. It made me really excited about the PHIT program and what it can accomplish.


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