My prose; Your profit

A place for me to shamelessly promote myself and my random thoughts, and for you to perhaps discover a little piece of yourself in the process.


One week of Hell (Baby, that is)...

It looks like I am going to have quite the week!

Tonight marks the first time the Village Idiutz have come together since the Festival last November. I can't believe how long we have all waited. Now we need to review all of the feedback that we received, both positive and negative, and look at what we want to do to GROW! ADAPT! and HEIGHTEN! PHIF | 2006.

Tomorrow is the second installment of the Rehearsal Jam that Rick's put together. I hope that the turnout is a great as last time around. Reminder: I need to pimp the auditions while there's a captive audience!

Speaking of which... Wednesday and Thursday Jon and I are having auditions for HellBaby! I am really excited to see who turns out. We've received great response from postings on the IRC and on

I also heard from both Eileen and Michelle from HARSH. They are really excited about what we are doing down here, and hopefully we should be getting Ari and others down to do some workshops. I will talk to them more when we do the show with them at Grape Street on the 11th.

Also on Wednesday, I have a appt. in the morning with Dr. Goldstein to follow up on the whole pilonidal debacle, and then have another appt. with Dr. Gordon right after work. Then straight over to the auditions. Nothing like packing in it, eh?

Friday is Katie's last day at work. :(
We will probably be heading out after work for a bon voyage celebration that will of course be rife with debauchery and alcoholism.

On Saturday I have a dentist appt. with Dr. Koshetar in the morning, and then have the "Game On" workshop with Matt Holmes in the afternoon.

Somewhere in all of this, I need to post more articles to the site, and finish the formatting issues. Damn! Slap my ass and call me Judy! I'm a busy bee...


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