My prose; Your profit

A place for me to shamelessly promote myself and my random thoughts, and for you to perhaps discover a little piece of yourself in the process.


Show tonight

So Corey and I will be doing our two-man show tonight at the Troc. I am pretty psyched about it. I've never done a two man show, but it should be a really interesting dynamic. No room for hesitation... I like it.

The show also got featured in the Metro Weekend. Page 21, if you are local and can pick one up. It notes only Industrial and Hot Sauce, as we hadn't signed on at the time of press release. Doesn't matter though. I will be thrilled if it brings in actual people, and our audience doesn't consist once again of mostly improvisers.

Here is the info on the show tonight:

Corey Cohen/Matt Nelson Untitled Project (longform improv)
Industrial Improv (longform improv)
NY UCB Theatre's Hot Sauce (sketch)

Balcony at the Trocadero
1003 Arch St, Phila
6-8pm (doors open at 5)
$5 Cover
Drink Special: $2 pints of Bud (not that Bud is too special)

I'll be sure to post how it goes.


Blogger Martini said...

I know a guy named Jodster who'd likely be interested in your blog.

4:04 PM  

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