My prose; Your profit

A place for me to shamelessly promote myself and my random thoughts, and for you to perhaps discover a little piece of yourself in the process.


Another Improv Sunday on the books...

So last night was another installment of Improv Sundays at Fergies. The show went pretty well. Although it was not where I would have liked it to be technically, the audience was laughing and seemed to enjoy it. I will probably post more about this in my IRC Journal.

Here's something fun that came out of last night... Corey and I are going to do a two-man show this Friday at the Trocadero. Mike put together a show with Industrial Improv and a musical guest, Hot Sauce. He needed to fill the extra slot, and I said what the hell. I was impressed by how great a show Holmes/Maughan had when they just went out there and had fun.

It's the first time that I know of where we will be doing improv there in a happy hour timeslot, 6-8pm. Perhaps we will be able to catch some of the happy hour crowd that is still in the city. Anyhow, I think the two-man show will be fun. Corey and I seem to be pretty good on reading each other, and seem to be on the same page for most of our improv. I don't really care if we are a rousing success, I just think it will be something fun and different.


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