My prose; Your profit

A place for me to shamelessly promote myself and my random thoughts, and for you to perhaps discover a little piece of yourself in the process.


A small world can be kind of scary

So I am sitting here Googling myself. Yep, I'm one of those people.

Buried many pages deep is an wishlist under my name. I look to see if it's the one I made last year. At first I think that it is because it had Dennis DiClaudio's book on it. But then I notice many things that I didn't put on there. The other things on the list look pretty good though. Seriously stuff I would read. Hmmmm... strange, but alright then. Good to know that the Hypochondriac's Pocket Guide is getting out there.

But then I look at the top of the page, and it says Hemet, CA. Now this has me confused. I was born in Hemet. Small town in SoCal. I begin to think maybe it is my profile, but the shipping is for Hemet. I haven't been in Hemet for decades.

I look at the birthday... much earlier in the year. March 12th. Um, okay.

So today I've discovered that there is a person with my name, my reading tastes, living in my birthplace, with my friend's book at the top of their wishlist.

Rick's right... I do have clones.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to tell you. I could tell becauase of you non reaction when I told you the same story over and over again, you didn't have the same "Oh my god, Rick, I've already HEARD this story a million times before."

12:30 AM  

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