My prose; Your profit

A place for me to shamelessly promote myself and my random thoughts, and for you to perhaps discover a little piece of yourself in the process.


10 things I learned from the Del Close Marathon

- 72 hours is a long time to stay awake

- You can survive in NYC for three days on $50

- Rick Horner's ability to pick up gorgeous women dramatically increases after midnight

- You too can be your own bartender

- In Midtown Manhattan, salsa mean seltzer

- I can make Mike McFarland speechless

- Alexis Simpson's left breast is far superior to her right

- You can fit a scooter engine and beer into a standard cooler

- Beer isn't any less wet or smelly when spilled on you by Horatio Sanz

- Jon Gabrus = nudity about 95% of the time


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