My prose; Your profit

A place for me to shamelessly promote myself and my random thoughts, and for you to perhaps discover a little piece of yourself in the process.


Your wallet's pretty fly for a straight guy

Every once in awhile, we get to experience something all together new. This happened to me last night.

I got a call from Kennedy around 5pm who was hanging at the Cosi on 12th & Walnut. I went down and joined her and Kevin to catch up. After hanging for a bit, I left her to her writing and headed out. I had to swing by the Super Fresh to get some food for the Bean, so I headed down 12th towards South St.

Somewhere around the 12th St Gym, a guy flags me down from across the street. He's dressed like he might be heading to the gym. He runs across the street and asks me for a light. Here's the conversation that follows:

Guy: Man, I need a drink. I just quit my job.
Me: O, bummer. Or congrats. (I start to move on)
Guy: Do you think it was a mistake?
Me: Well... um... huh?
Guy: It was at Fed Ex, making $50K. (silence from me) What do you do?
Me: I work in healthcare publishing. Look, I've got to...
Guy: Man, I need a drink! (leans in) Do you need a prostitute?
Me: No, I'm good, thanks. (He gives me a knowing sort of nod and I walk away)

That's right folks; I got my first official proposition! I mean, I've gotten calls and Hey Sweeties from the tranny hookers as I walk by... but never a full on, face-to-face proposition spelled out.

Set and match.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you're worth it too. Gotta be careful out there in the big city. Ohhhhhhhhhh the excitement..............

3:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am SOOOOOOO not going to comment on this. :)

(Oh wait, I just did!!) Ha!

2:37 AM  

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